Are you a seasoned worker? Thinking of changing careers? Here are some ideas to help you make the transition during a tough economy.
Finding a new job can be challenging in a good economy but when there is a crisis and companies are downsizing, laying off workers and cutting spending budgets it could look rather bleak.
The good thing is that you have skills and experience that can be assets to the right hiring manager. It is important to not lose site of your capabilities, just because you are in midlife does not mean you can not re-invent yourself.
Become a consultant in your industry, learn a new trade, turn your strengths into a small business venture. Change is good and now you have the opportunity to work in a career that you will truly enjoy.
To do this you will first need to write down your goals and set up a daily, weekly and monthly action plan. This will help you stay focused and be organized. Preparation will make it possible for you to stay miles ahead of all those people looking for work.
Look at your hobbies and interests and find ways to turn them into a monthly income. Can you earn from your skills? Yes you can figure out how to fill that need from the vast amount of groups of people needing your services.
Update your skills and learn something new, this will always be a great way to try out a new field or industry that needs employees.
Technology is growing and so is the medical field, look for ways to take your knowledge from previous jobs and put them into a resume highlighting your value.
The sky is the limit meaning you have unlimited potential and should look at being a seasoned worker as a good thing.
Going After Your Dream Job
It can be scary to leave a career that you have been at for so many years, even if you are in a managerial position and earning good wages it could not be satisfying to you. Should you jump ship and start all over in a more exciting job instead? Well it will depend on your circumstances but do not let others opinions of what you can or can not do, stop you from following your dreams.
Using Your Transferable Skills
The great thing about having real world experience is that you do not have to start over in a entry-level job. Actually you can market your skills that you have obtained over the years in your prior jobs and lead the pack with your new one. Look for positions that will give you the flexibility that you seek while paying you a rewarding salary.
Change Your Mindset on What You Can Achieve
Re-think the way you feel about your abilities to try something new and experience a brighter and more rewarding occupation. Believe in yourself and maintain a positive attitude, this is what will keep you going and focused on your goals. Avoid those people who are not supporting you in your efforts and stick with those who will help you achieve what you desire.
Understand the job outlook of your chosen profession, see if it is experiencing job growth and do some projections of where you can see yourself heading in the next 5 to 10 years. Be prepared for change and allow yourself to get used to the new daily routine and environment.
Learn Who You Are and What You Want
You would assume that at midlife you would know yourself pretty well. Often times we do not know what we are good at doing. Although we have spent the last few years in the same profession it may not be where our true strengths and abilities are, and this is why it is important to find out how you can take your creativity make a difference in the world.