Looking for work in the right places is the first thing a jobseeker needs to know for getting paid more money for a competitive occupation.
The best cities in the U.S. as far as value goes for a potential employee is mostly concentrated in the Metro Areas for increased income growth.
First on the list is the refurbished business district of Manchester, New Hampshire is hiring for medical, information tech and management careers.
Second is Washington D.C. for management, government and finance jobs.
Third, will be Trenton New Jersey that is hiring in technology, research and finance.
Fourth is Boston for nursing, software developer and management careers.
Fifth on the list is Baltimore for Healthcare Technology and Research.
Sixth is the leader in life science in Worcester, Massachusetts for technology, medical and engineering.
Seventh is for the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa for system engineers, financial analysts and solution architects.
Eighth in place is Anchorage, Alaska in Health care, Energy and project managers.
Nine is Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for Psychical Therapist, Government careers.
Tenth city is Oklahoma City has jobs in Medical, Education and Energy jobs.
Eleventh - Minneapolis has high paying jobs for business and systems analysts.
Twelveth leads to Springfield Massachusetts for nurses, analysts and project managers.
Read more about landing a position in these healthy local economies on Kiplinger’s website.